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Age 15 months – 3 Years: Beginners Curriculum

Curriculum Area

Focus and Outcome


Learning about shapes, sizes, colors, textures, tastes and smells is an integral part of the classroom experience, whether through songs, art, cooking, or exploration of classroom materials. These sensory discoveries are closely related to the children’s explosive language development during this period.


Whether counting steps to the playground or clapping to the rhythm of a song, students are constantly experiencing math. Matching geometric shapes and colors and exploring size relationships among objects helps to build the foundation for basic mathematical functions.


Acquisition of language explodes during this developmental period. Daily walks and outdoor experiences help the children connect their observations to language. Classroom discussions help to build vocabulary, as do songs and books. Proper grip of crayons is even introduced at this age to prepare the students for successful writing in the years to come.

Cultural Studies

Through the all-school study of different geographies and culture, students are exposed to a range of traditions and customs. Students at this age are beginning to recognize themselves as separate and independent beings, and early experiences interacting with classmates and adults with different viewpoints and backgrounds create an important foundation for future learning and understanding.


Each week, students have library, music and movement, and Spanish instruction in addition to classroom-based activities.

Practical Life

Students focus on self-care and, under the guidance of their teachers, learn to dress themselves, become independent in the bathroom, and begin to prepare and serve snacks and meals. Carrying, cleaning, flower arranging, grooming skills, and grace and courtesy are also modeled and taught.

Integrated Curriculum

Developmentally appropriate Health, Safety, and Wellness (HSW) lessons are integrated across the curriculum for all Wellan students. Learn about our HSW educational philosophy here.


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism are integrated across the curriculum for all Wellan students. Learn about our approach here



PHONE: (617) 969-4488

FAX: (617) 969-4430

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Wellan Montessori School is a non-profit school that admits qualified students of any race, color, religion, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, mental or physical disability, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, and any other status protected by applicable law to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to the students of the School. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, mental or physical disability, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, or any other status protected by applicable law in the administration of its admissions, financial aid and loans, or it its educational and other programs.

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