NMS Summer Reading List 2018

The following Summer Reading resource guide includes suggestions of authors and books to enjoy with your children. Feel free to use this as a guide as you continue to explore literature and the joy of reading this summer. While these happen to be some of my favorite titles and authors, please remember that it is important to read books that are enjoyable for your child and reflect his/her personal interests! Sharing a book by reading aloud, regardless of the age of your child, is strongly encouraged. You can also find excellent book selection tools and summer reading resources at your local public library and online. Some of my favorite sites include:
PBS Summer Reading
Reading Rockets
Association for Library Service to Children
Barnes & Noble Kid’s Books
Scholastic Books & Reading for Parents
Finally, if you don’t have a public library card yet, please stop into your local public library to familiarize yourself with all they offer and keep reading over the summer!
Asch, Frank - Happy Birthday Moon, Milk and Cookies, Moondance
Brett, Jan - The Mitten, Annie and the Wild Animals, The Mermaid
Bunting, Eve - Frog and Friends, Our Library, Pirate Boy
Carle, Eric - The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Very Busy Spider, The Very Quiet Cricket
Couric, Katie - The Brand New Kid, The Blue Ribbon Day
Depaola, Tomie - Strega Nona series, Pancakes for Breakfast
DiCamillo, Kate - Mercy Watson series, La La La
Ehlert, Lois - Planting a Rainbow, Growing Vegetable Soup, Eating the Alphabet
Fleming, Denise - In the Tall, Tall Grass, In the Small, Small Pond, Barnyard Banter
Henkes, Kevin - When Spring Comes, Lilly series, Kitten’s First Full Moon
Johnson, Crockett - Harold Series
Keats, Ezra Jack- Willie’s Whistle, Peter’s Chair, A Letter to Amy, Over in the Meadow
Lionni, Leo - Swimmy, An Extraordinary Egg, Frederick
Martin, Bill - Chicka Chicka series, Polar Bear Polar Bear What do you Hear?
Mayer, Mercer - Little Critter series
McClosky, Robert - Make Way for Ducklings, Blueberries for Sal
Numeroff, Laura - If You Give a Mouse a Muffin series
Peet, Bill - The Caboose Who Got Loose, The Whingdingdilly, Ella the Elephant
Penn, Audrey - The Kissing Hand, Chester Raccoon series
Polacco, Patricia - Rechenka’s Eggs, The Keeping Quilt, Remembering Vera
Prelutsky, Jack - A Pizza the Size of the Sun, Be Glad Your Nose is on Your Face, Me I Am!
Rathmann, Peggy - Officer Buckle and Gloria, Good Night Gorilla
Rylant, Cynthia - Henry and Mudge Series
Silverstein, Shel - The Giving Tree, Where the Sidewalk Ends
Tullet, Herve - Press Here, Mix It Up
Wells, Rosemary - Max and Ruby series
Willems, Mo - Elephant and Piggie series
Ziefert, Harriet - Bigger than Daddy, It’s Time to Go to Sleep, Pig Wig
Avi - Beyond the Sea series, The Unexpected Life of Oliver Cromwell Pitts
Banks, Lynne Reid - The Indian in the Cupboard
Barkley, Callie - The Critter Club series
Cleary, Beverly - The Mouse and The Motorcycle, Ribsy, Ramona series, Dear Mr Henshaw
Clements, Andrew - Frindle, Lost and Found, No Talking
Creech, Sharon - Walk Two Moons, Love That Dog
Dahl, Roald - The BFG, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda
DiCamillo, Kate - The Tale of Desperaux, Because of Winn-Dixie
Freedman, Russell - The Boston Tea Party, Out of Darkness
Funke, Cornelia - Inkheart series
Gantos, Jack - Joey Pigza series
Jacques, Brian - Redwall series
Kinney, Jeff - Diary of a Wimpy Kid series
Lowry, Lois - Anastasia series, Sam Krupnik series, The Giver
Martin, Ann - Baby-Sitters Club series
Paulsen, Gary - Hatchet, Road Trip, Dogsong
Ron, Roy - A to Z Mystery series
Rowling, J. K. - Harry Potter series
Sachar, Louis - Wayside School series, Holes, There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom
Simon, Coco - Cupcake Diaries series
Stilton, Geronimo - Geronimo and Thea Stilton series
Stine, R. L. - Goosebumps series
White, E. B. - Stuart Little, Charlotte’s Web