Wellan offers support for students at all development levels. The personalized pace of Montessori education allows for a great deal of differentiation in learning. However, there are nevertheless occasions when a student would
benefit from an in-class accommodation, 1:1 or small group support, or referrals to specialists outside of Wellan who can conduct evaluations of learning needs.
Wellan’s Learning Support Team (LST) is comprised of a Student Support Services Coordinator, who is also the School Counselor, and an Academic
Learning Specialist. Both work together with the Division Leaders and classroom teachers to support students. Classroom teachers who have concerns about a student will first inform the parents in an effort to elicit more information that may be helpful in working with the student. Parents who have concerns about their child’s progress or school experience are encouraged to first contact the classroom teachers, who can call in the LST as appropriate. Classroom teachers will typically involve the LST when, despite classroom-based accommodations the teachers have tried, a student is experiencing difficulty making academic progress in certain areas or is exhibiting disruptive social-emotional behavior (e.g., not age-appropriate or not aligned with community expectations). Parents are informed if the LST is engaged, and a school-family partnership is formed to develop a Strategic Support Plan for the student.