Turning Nothing into Something: The Little Interactions Matter
Austin Matte, one of our Beginner Bridge teachers, originally wrote this blog post for the Upstone Montessori School blog — a school...
Austin Matte, Beginners Bridge Teacher
Mar 8, 2022

At-Home Art Gallery: 5 Ways to Showcase Your Young Artist’s Work
As an artist, teacher, and mother, I know first-hand how gratifying it is to share artwork with the people you care about. In our Art...
Vanessa Irzyk, Art Specialist
Feb 1, 2022

Enhancing Literacy and Language Through Children’s Books
There is nothing most children love more than hearing a good story. During the Primary years, children begin to develop early reading...
Kate Kane, Wellan Librarian
Jun 24, 2020

From the Vault: Our Favorite “Montessori in the Home” Blog Posts
Now that we are learning from home for the time being, implementing Montessori practices with your family is more helpful than ever. Here...
Haley Crocker, Communications Assistant
Apr 17, 2020

5 Ways to “Be a Helper” through COVID-19
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people...
Ashley Robinson
Apr 8, 2020

Talking to Toddlers about Difficult Events: How to Navigate Uncharted Territory
Our Beginners Division Leader, Becky Alukonis, sent this message to families as a resource during the COVID-19 crisis. We wanted to share...
Becky Alukonis, Beginners Division Leader
Mar 25, 2020

Instilling Empathy in Toddlers
Observe a moment in one of our classrooms. As one student identifies that another student might need help, he looks at his teacher. When...
Samantha Foley, Beginners Teacher
Jan 30, 2020

What’s With the Pronouns?
You may have noticed something new in the signatures you see at the end of an email from someone at school. No, I’m not talking about the...
Ashley McLean, Primary Teacher
Nov 21, 2019

10 Strategies to Support Your Child’s Budding Social Self
The first six weeks of school can often be trying times, as students navigate the world of new and established friendships while at the...

5 Tips for a Successful School Drop-off
As the days have turned into weeks, our youngest students have become increasingly comfortable with the school environment and classroom...
Becky Alukonis, Beginners Division Leader
Oct 9, 2019