Community Action through Collaboration and Art: An Experiential Learning Initiative at Wellan
As we come to the end of another school year at Wellan Montessori School, we feel proud of all our students as we look back at how much...

Wellan Middle School Students Broaden Classroom Learning at the Newton Community Farm
This autumn, Wellan’s Voyager Middle School class is participating in an exciting experiential learning program! When most of us think of...

Assessing Student Learning in a Montessori Environment
As seen in the 2018–2019 Wellan Year in Review “I got an 87% on the Pink Tower!” Sounds absurd, right? What might that even mean? How...
Beth Black, Head of School
Oct 16, 2019

Figures, Fish Tanks, and Friends: A Third Grade Internship
Each year, various departments within NMS provide experiential learning opportunities to third grade students in the form of an...
Heather Santiago, Assistant Business Manager
Mar 5, 2018

Walkabout: The Biomes of Oceania | A Multi-Age Interdisciplinary Research Project
For Elementary students, our school’s semester-long study of Oceania culminated in the presentation of a “Walkabout.” This exposition of...
Michael Silverstone, Lower Elementary Teacher
Feb 20, 2018

How We Define “Success”
“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while...
Devon Beidler, Assistant Head of School
Jan 24, 2018

To Begin “Integrated Studies” Class, Upper Elementary Students Focus on Native American History
How did people of the Inuit tribe survive the harsh arctic climate they inhabited? Where did the wind come from? How were members of the...

Published and in Primary: The Outcomes of Writers’ Workshop
Did you ever think your child would be a published author before 1st grade?! Well this week the Primary Year 3 students achieved just...
Katie Hamill, Primary Division Leader
May 26, 2017

Developmental Benefits of Outdoor Play
Spring has finally sprung! At long last, we can shed the snow gear and enjoy more favorable weather outdoors. Spring is a wonderful time...
Becky Alukonis, Beginners Division Leader
May 15, 2017

Learning Outcomes: A look at Continent Studies in Elementary
Sawubona! Jambo! As-Salaam-Alaikum! Bonjour! Hello! Did you know that there are an estimated 1500 – 2000 different languages spoken in...