Making Time for Gratitude
With the holiday season quickly approaching, the pace of life seems to have already increased exponentially! During this time, it is easy...

6 Fun Halloween Songs and Rhymes for Young Children
Beginner classrooms are looking forward to our annual Halloween celebration. Students and teachers (and hopefully some parents!) will...
Becky Alukonis, Beginners Division Leader
Oct 12, 2018

Primary Classrooms Celebrate The Holidays With Annual Book Exchange
Each year the Primary classrooms celebrate the holiday season by sharing in a delicious breakfast as well as gifting books to one...
Katie Hamill, Primary Division Leader
Dec 11, 2017

The December Dilemma: Fostering an Inclusive Classroom During the Holidays
“Peace comes from being able to contribute the best that we have, and all that we are, toward creating a world that supports everyone....
Krissy Canastar, Diversity Coordinator
Nov 27, 2017