Heather Santiago, Assistant Business Manager
Mar 5, 2018
Figures, Fish Tanks, and Friends: A Third Grade Internship
Each year, various departments within NMS provide experiential learning opportunities to third grade students in the form of an...

Michael Silverstone, Lower Elementary Teacher
Feb 20, 2018
Walkabout: The Biomes of Oceania | A Multi-Age Interdisciplinary Research Project
For Elementary students, our school’s semester-long study of Oceania culminated in the presentation of a “Walkabout.” This exposition of...

Elyse Kalins, Beginners Teacher
Feb 9, 2018
NMS’s New Lunch Buddies Program Brings Together Our Oldest and Youngest Learners
This semester, NMS is implementing a collaborative program between Beginners (our toddler program) and Upper Elementary (grades 4–6). A...

Krissy Canastar, Drama Specialist
Jan 26, 2018
Lower Elementary Drama Explores Fairy Tales
“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy...

The 5 Great Lessons in Elementary
“Where did Earth come from?” “How did life on Earth begin?” “Why are humans here?” Children around the ages of 6–12 (what Maria...

Marat (5th grade) & Kourosh (4th grade)
Dec 14, 2017
Hour of Code
Coding is shaping our future. The Hour of Code is an initiative that happens through code.org, a website that helps people of all ages...

To Begin “Integrated Studies” Class, Upper Elementary Students Focus on Native American History
How did people of the Inuit tribe survive the harsh arctic climate they inhabited? Where did the wind come from? How were members of the...

Historic Halloween Fun in Elementary
Halloween is always a favorite holiday for Elementary students because of the unique celebrations that have become a tradition at NMS! In...

“The Euro Café” Brings Delicious Cuisines to Wellan
Each year, the third year students in Lower Elementary look forward to opening their own in-school restaurant for their families. The...

Elementary Students Celebrate Poetry
Slithering through the grass, Prey, predator, golden fangs, Sink in juicy flesh. —Calum, Grade 3 April was National Poetry Month, and...