Testing the Waters: Navigating Friendships in Elementary
It is no surprise to anyone that elementary-aged children are social beings. Up until this point in their lives, they have only...

Lisa Lappin Levine, Lower Elementary Teacher
Dec 13, 2019
Creativity... and Montessori
If you think back to yourself as a child, you may remember that feeling that you could do anything. You were an inventor, a painter, a...

Rochelle-O’Neal Thorpe
Dec 3, 2019
“Diversity is Child’s Play”
“Gummy, will you read me a book?” My grandson asked with a beaming smile. As most grandchildren do, he knew that a smile and bright eyes...

Ashley McLean, Primary Teacher
Nov 21, 2019
What’s With the Pronouns?
You may have noticed something new in the signatures you see at the end of an email from someone at school. No, I’m not talking about the...

Jen Taschereau, Drama Specialist
Nov 9, 2019
Upper Elementary Drama: The Heartbeat of Shakespeare
To Shakespeare, or not to Shakespeare, that is the question. In my opinion, the answer is always, “Absolutely Shakespeare!” There tends...

Ruth Clifford
Oct 25, 2019
Teaching Students About Health, Safety, and Wellness at Every Age
Do you know how to talk to your child about where babies are before they are born? Are you comfortable answering questions about private...

10 Strategies to Support Your Child’s Budding Social Self
The first six weeks of school can often be trying times, as students navigate the world of new and established friendships while at the...

Beth Black, Head of School
Oct 16, 2019
Assessing Student Learning in a Montessori Environment
As seen in the 2018–2019 Wellan Year in Review “I got an 87% on the Pink Tower!” Sounds absurd, right? What might that even mean? How...

Kittens & Community: A 6th Grade Service Day
The 6th grade year at NMS is full of opportunities for leadership, personal growth, and collaboration. While continuing with the...

Merav Rosen, Design Lab Teacher
Apr 11, 2019
The Value of Tinkering
For ages, children have made things out of unconventional materials and have taken things apart. Tinkering can satisfy a child's natural...