Devon Beidler, Assistant Head of School
Mar 21, 2018
Quick Quiz: How well do you encourage a “Growth Mindset” for your child?
Just as our students have the opportunity to learn and refine their skills, so too do NMS teachers. We often use time during our monthly...

An Open Letter on Behalf of Independent Schools of New England
The following open letter was featured in the Sunday, March 11, 2018 edition of The Boston Globe. Beth Black, Head of School, signed this...

Devon Beidler, Assistant Head of School
Jan 24, 2018
How We Define “Success”
“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while...

Devon Beidler, Assistant Head of School
Dec 5, 2017
How We Prepare Students For An Ever-Changing World
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” —Albert Einstein I think most people will agree that...