Beth Black, Head of School
Jun 7, 2019
New Name Announcement: Introducing “Wellan Montessori School”
May 2019 marked an important milestone in the history of our school. The Board of Trustees unanimously voted to adopt a new school name...

Ashley McLean, Primary Teacher
Mar 28, 2019
Follow the Child: Navigating Gender Expression through Montessori Philosophy
“Following the child” is the epitome of Montessori education. As teachers, we observe students to understand and address their learning...

Katie Quann Ng, Music Specialist
Feb 8, 2019
Building a Musical Foundation at Wellan
Everyone learns to speak before reading. The idea that everyone learns how to speak their native language easily—because it is a natural...

Katie Hamill, Primary Division Leader
Nov 2, 2018
Touring the Renovated NMS Playground
Have you had a chance to explore our new and improved playground this year? Your children sure have, and they are loving it! Although...

Ruth Clifford
Oct 22, 2018
Innovation and Imagination at the Wellan Cardboard Challenges
Last Sunday, many families from Wellan Montessori School gathered together to celebrate the Global Cardboard Challenge! It was a...

Devon Beidler, Assistant Head of School
Jun 1, 2018
School’s (Almost) Out for Summer!
It is hard to believe that we are coming to the end of another school year! Students, teachers, and parents have shared so many wonderful...

Deanna Griffiths, Director of Admissions
May 17, 2018
A Wellan Tradition: Building Community through Host Families
Caring. Curious. Confident. Community. Wellan believes that a thriving, cohesive community provides a role model for children,...

Krissy Canastar
May 11, 2018
Service Learning: The Value of Time
We all have very busy lives. Family commitments, work, kids’ schedules; personally, I can hardly keep up sometimes! With all that we have...

Neus Carmona, Elyse Kalins, Lisa Levine
Apr 23, 2018
NMS Staff Attend the 2018 American Montessori Society National Conference, Thanks to Annual Fund
NMS delegation posed with a friend at the American Montessori Society Conference in Denver, March 2018. Each year, thanks to the...

Krissy Canastar, Diversity Coordinator
Apr 2, 2018
Got Privilege? Self-Assessment and Children’s Book Recommendations
The term “privilege” can be a controversial and challenging subject to discuss, both for those who have it and those who do not....