Haley Crocker, Communications Assistant
Apr 16, 2020
10 “Field Trips” to Enjoy from Home
Earlier this year, many of us made plans to pack up our suitcases and hop in a plane, train, bus, or car to take a vacation this spring....

Ashley Robinson
Apr 8, 2020
5 Ways to “Be a Helper” through COVID-19
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people...

Ashley McLean, Primary Teacher
Feb 28, 2020
Never Too Much Mindfulness
It’s been a few years now since I presented at the Montessori Schools of Massachusetts Conference about using labyrinths as a tool for...

Jutta Lossner-Liang, Primary Teacher
Jan 31, 2020
Getting Out and Exploring Nature, Even in the Winter!
During this time of year, especially when it is cold and grey, wet and snowy, we may be thinking a lot of the warmer seasons and all the...

Amanda Cusanno, Primary Teacher
Jan 24, 2020
Changing Choices: 5 Ideas for Green Parenting
“Going green” has evolved into a relatively recent phenomenon. It has taken many people by storm in an attempt to help the environment...

Sarah Donnelly, Learning Specialist
Jan 10, 2020
Movement: Why It Matters, & Tips to Try at Home
During our work day, how often have we worked on a project and then thought, “I need to get up for awhile?” Often, that quick cup of...

Sarah Chadwick
Dec 20, 2019
Wellan Grandparents Get Involved
Last month, we hosted our first Primary Grandparents Day and it was a big success! The grandparents who attended spent the morning...

Rochelle-O’Neal Thorpe
Dec 3, 2019
“Diversity is Child’s Play”
“Gummy, will you read me a book?” My grandson asked with a beaming smile. As most grandchildren do, he knew that a smile and bright eyes...

Ashley McLean, Primary Teacher
Nov 21, 2019
What’s With the Pronouns?
You may have noticed something new in the signatures you see at the end of an email from someone at school. No, I’m not talking about the...

Beth Black, Head of School
Oct 16, 2019
Assessing Student Learning in a Montessori Environment
As seen in the 2018–2019 Wellan Year in Review “I got an 87% on the Pink Tower!” Sounds absurd, right? What might that even mean? How...