Follow the Child: Navigating Gender Expression through Montessori Philosophy
“Following the child” is the epitome of Montessori education. As teachers, we observe students to understand and address their learning...
Ashley McLean, Primary Teacher
Mar 28, 2019

The Power of Choice in Childhood
Childhood is often portrayed as an idyllic time filled with carefree days and little to no worries, stress, or responsibilities. However,...
Becky Alukonis, Beginners Division Leader
Mar 21, 2019

6 Questions with NMS Art Specialist Vanessa Irzyk
Why do you teach at NMS? I teach at NMS because I have the freedom to teach and flow with what interests the students. If I were to teach...
Vanessa Irzyk, Art Specialist
Mar 15, 2019

My Experience in Design Lab at NMS
Jack, an NMS 3rd grader, wrote this piece as part his journalism internship. Read more about the NMS internship program here. Jack with...
Jack, 3rd Grade Journalism Intern
Mar 8, 2019

Montessori Students Learn about Peace, Unity, and Identity through Cosmic Education
The stars, earth, stones, life of all kinds form a whole in relation with each other, and so close is this relation that we cannot...
Justine Brooks, Upper Elementary Teacher
Mar 1, 2019