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Beginner and Primary Class Pet Interviews

During this time while the school building is closed and our community stays home, Wellan's beloved classroom pets have taken up residence with teachers! This week, we asked each caretaker to interview their class pet about life at their new home, their daily routine, and what they do to stay healthy. Learn about Leonard the leopard gecko's new friend, find out how Blue the fish spends his day, and much more from our four-legged and finned friends. One thing is for sure... they really miss the students!

We'd like to give a heartfelt thanks to all the teachers caring for these animals.

The Wellan creatures are so lucky to have you!


An Interview with Blue

(B1 Fish)

Are you at school, or are you living somewhere new? Who is taking care of you?

My name is Blue and I am a Betta fish. In case you're wondering, my friends in B1 named me BLUE despite the fact I am as red as a tomato, just saying!!! The decision was unanimous believe it or not. Please note that Covid-19 has had no effect on me, because I have been living under quarantine since the day I left the pet store. Anyway, because of social distancing and the stay-at-home protocols for Covid-19, I had to vacate the school premises. I now live at the home of my caregiver, Sr. Lauretta. If I can say so myself, she is a good fish mom.

What does a normal day look like for you now?

I must say that I do live in a calm environment. At school there were always little eyes peering and hands seeking me out to see if I was up to something "fishy." Often I was trying to take a nap after an exhausting morning of swimming. Phew!

A normal day for me now is not nearly as interesting. With no peering eyes or little hands tapping on my transparent home, I just swim around trying to scavenge for leftovers hiding in the stones in my tank, or I try rearranging my furniture. After all of these tiring chores, I settle on my leaf hammock for a well-deserved nap.

What do you miss about school?

No doubt, I do miss my Beginner 1 and After-School friends. Living alone is overrated. I miss the constant chatter, laughter, and activities that take place in the classroom on a daily basis. Glub! Glub!

What are you doing to keep yourself healthy?

In order to stay healthy, I try to swim constantly, eat as often as I can, rest when necessary, and create as many bubbles as possible just for fun.

Do you have a message you'd like to share with the students of Wellan?

I want them to know how much I miss seeing them daily. I know these are abnormal times, but nothing lasts forever and this too will pass. Stay Wellan-strong, stay the course, and with "fins and tail" crossed, I hope to see them soon. I am sending lots of bubbly love and hugs their way.


An Interview with Leonard Leopard

(P1 Leopard Gecko)

Are you at school, or are you living somewhere new? Who is taking care of you?

I am Primary 1's leopard gecko and currently residing at Ms. Jutta's house. It's quiet here. This suits me well; I am an old guy—I will turn 13 sometime this year!

Have you picked up any new hobbies? Or have you learned any new skills?

My favorite thing to do is sleep. I also enjoy resting, dreaming, slouching—anything I can do with my eyes closed. At night I wake up and go eat a bit (hunting for my crickets, yum!) but nobody sees me, so nobody really knows. I like it that way; as I mentioned before, I am a quiet guy.

What does a normal day look like for you now?

If everything goes according to my plan, I will rest aaaalllll day long! It's just when that cat comes—not funny! First she paws at my tank, especially when she sees my crickets moving around. Then she dares (!!!!) to jump up on top of my tank to stare down at me! I am so glad that I have all these hiding spots, so I just wait until that cat jumps down again. Ms. Jutta sometimes hears the commotion and calls the cat but, you know, cats don't listen. So it is me against the cat!

But to be honest, I actually like having this new friend around me—she makes me feel appreciated (it is not so easy to make new friends when you live in a tank) and brings adventures into my life. I am working on learning some cat-language, because it would be nice being able to say hi and find out what she is thinking.

What do you miss about school?

I miss school a lot! I like the buzz of sounds in class, hearing footsteps, voices, the clatter of materials moved from the shelves. My P1 kids love me and I love them! In some ways they are like that cat I live with now; they also stare at me—but luckily they never jump on top of my tank! Well, I have my hiding spots, so there is nothing to worry about. I actually like staring back at them, and I can do that for a looong time without blinking!

What are you doing to keep yourself healthy?

What keeps me happy and healthy during these times are my routines (sleep when it's time to sleep, eat when I am hungry, exercise to stay fit). But I also like my adventures with the cat; a chuckle here and there keeps me happy and my mind fresh.

Do you have a message you'd like to share with the students of Wellan?

My dear P1 friends and everyone else at Wellan: I will see you again! Until then, take it easy and slow, be kind to yourself and others, enjoy small adventures, and chuckle here and there—even small steps are progress and we will get together again!


An Interview with Leo and Charlie

(Honorary P4 Class Pets who live with Austin)

Are you at school, or are you living somewhere new? Who is taking care of you?

Leo: School? What is school? Are there treats there?!

Have you picked up any new hobbies? Or have you learned any new skills?

Charlie: Let me think… My favorite hobby is being pet. When the humans think they don’t want to pet me, I bark, and they then realize that they do in fact want to pet me.

What does a normal day look like for you now?

Leo: I follow a very strict routine, just like the humans. I wake up early, eat my doctor-recommended breakfast with the major food groups: dog food, pumpkin, and chicken broth. Then, I go outside, have a romp around. Then I nap, wake up, relocate to the couch, nap. In the afternoon, I go for a walk down the street, which I love because there are young humans over there that pet me, though I wish they had food. Then I return home and nap. After the humans eat their meals, I offer to clean the plates with my tongue for them, before they put them in the large box with other plates, but they don’t let me. I’m just trying to help.

What are you doing to keep yourself healthy?

Leo: Walks. Lots of walks. The humans love it. I don’t get it, though I do love sniffing things.

Do you have a message you'd like to share with the students of Wellan?



Curious how Wellan’s Elementary Class Pets are faring these days? Right this way!

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